Very Soothing Cell Repair Music
But why does it matter to you? When you understand the energy exchange as explained in this video, you can grasp a deeper level of energy exchange. It can be better understood as an energy “blend”. When I had my out of body experience in a trauma, I felt this energy blending. The true energetic…
Answer: Your Brain It starts with a thought… Which Stimulates and emotion Which Results in an attitude Which Produces behavior. Toxic thoughts… produce Toxic emotions.. produce Toxic Attitudes… Produce Toxic Behavior! This behavior becomes your personal character that rules over your lifestyle of either abundance or one of lack and unhappiness. What is really going…
Shamans have known this for 1000s of years. You don’t have to be a Shaman to want or have more power, influence, joy and blessings in your life. Shamans ( we all have this ability in some degree) know to be in touch, to be aware of your body , how it “works” to assist…
Have you ever asked that questions? Who am I? My thoughts for you: Love and Light I am a being of light Empowered by Spirit. My Mind is fueled by knowledge Removing false data and immersing myself in love and truth. My life is given to enjoy and express ‘me’, To give myself experiences of…