Very Soothing Cell Repair Music
According to Guy Schenker, DC: Acid/alkaline imbalances always involve respiratory function Acid/alkaline imbalances always involve renal function “The respiratory and renal involvement in an acidosis or alkalosis may be either part of the cause of, or part of the Click the link below for the entire article… Source: Acid & Alkaline Nutrition: Shattering the Myths…
This has been a debate for along time in many cultures. For those who have lost a beloved pet/family member… This article will sooth your spirit and memory of your loss. SPIRIT GUIDES & TOTEMS BY TAKATOKA … American Indians know to respect Nature and kill only what we eat and use every part of…
Have you ever asked that questions? Who am I? My thoughts for you: Love and Light I am a being of light Empowered by Spirit. My Mind is fueled by knowledge Removing false data and immersing myself in love and truth. My life is given to enjoy and express ‘me’, To give myself experiences of…
As the name implies, the sessions are led intuitively, each session is unique and highly individual. Intuitive readings are different for everyone. The focus can be on anything from releasing blocked energy and past trauma, working through a current hardship, or helping a client to activate their highest potential and life work. Typically, during an…