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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor facilisis enim accumsan auctor. Nam congue odio elit, sit amet vehicula diam suscipit in. Sed enim lacus, consequat eu tempus ac, fringilla vitae mauris. Morbi turpis libero, facilisis vitae eros id, cursus pharetra mauris. Pellentesque id cursus justo. Integer consectetur ut urna id consectetur. Quisque…
Do you know anyone that is overweight and needs help?
Not only do these extra pounds mess with our
self esteem…
They are tremendously affecting our
and Wellbeing! ( sign into the Skinny Project for more blog post)
I started the Skinny Project when
I began (once again ) my journey to my “skinny self” (we all have one).
I started it as an exercise program with nutrition helps,
But due to a back issue,
I was back to the drawing board so to speak.
It was a bit discouraging until I found
more resources that really worked for me.
I am a research NUT …
and I love to share!
I am my best human guinea pig,
and when something really works for me…
I Shout it to the rooftops (via my blog and emails)!
8 Incredible Affirmations for Self-Love
Hi all, Even as a wellness and mindset coach, I need a little help with my self-love from time to time. I found these helpful… Enjoy and pass them on.. Karen Rae —————————————– We pass through life forming and reforming hundreds of relationships with friends, coworkers, lovers, relatives, peers, acquaintances, etc. And what we learn…