I am in charge of my will and my spirit..
I am in charge of my will and my spirit…
Read my Face Book post here…
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There’s an old adage equestrian enthusiasts and idiom aficionados like to use: That one can be as “healthy as a horse.” The metaphor comes from ye olden days, when horses were the epitome of all things virtuous and beloved: to be graceful, intelligent, strong and strong-willed, and – more significant for Health Fitness Revolution, healthy.
and why do you care? First of all you may find it interesting as I do, and may benefit from it. How? I have found that in every area of our life, all relationships personal and professional, our finances.. and most important.. our emotional and thought life… are all a balance dance of energy! We…
Finally, a safe place to find answers to life’s most challenging questions! A place for you to grow in mind and spirit, trandsending the old and ushering in the new to you to find joy, peace and abundance! Sign in here for your link to the group:
Shamans have known this for 1000s of years. You don’t have to be a Shaman to want or have more power, influence, joy and blessings in your life. Shamans ( we all have this ability in some degree) know to be in touch, to be aware of your body , how it “works” to assist…
Dear One,A loved one of mine called me with complaints of fever and other illness symptoms. I asked her a few questions to pinpoint the possible reasons for the fever. Nothing stood out as obvious. I gave her a few suggestions sent her my love. After our phone conversation, I tuned in to her to…