Do you know the health of your Root Chakra?
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Do you know the health of your Root Chakra?

Healing Your Root Chakra Sometimes it is the basics we leave undone, and wonder why life is a bit off. We have heard of Chakras, many are good students of this very vital knowledge, Yet sometimes we just don’t apply it! Well, I found I needed some work in my Root Chakra.. found some resources…


Acid & Alkaline Nutrition: Shattering the Myths – Metabolic Healing

According to Guy Schenker, DC: Acid/alkaline imbalances always involve respiratory function Acid/alkaline imbalances always involve renal function “The respiratory and renal involvement in an acidosis or alkalosis may be either part of the cause of, or part of the Click the link below for the entire article… Source: Acid & Alkaline Nutrition: Shattering the Myths…