Shamans have the unique mission of ushering in the new age, the TARYPAY PACHA (Time of transformation). As the world remembers the wisdom of our ancestors, we will restore union on the earth, to expand our spirituality and purpose.

An unprecedented blend of ancient wisdom, sacred ceremony, shamanic healing, energy healing, and the current science in wellness methods.

Find purpose and balance through this experience with shamanic energy healing in the tranquil countryside of Virginia. Your Shamanic Energy Healing Retreat will be held at Pathway Creations on 15 acres of Virginia Country Charm. You’ll have plenty of room for nature walks, stargazing, and relaxing.

Let our experience and compassionate practitioners guide you into a deeper understanding of what it means to live in balance with yourself and Pachamama (Mother Earth), and with the knowledge that we are all ONE with a unique individual purpose.

It’s happening – and we’d love for you to be a part of it.

Shamanistic Healing

From the beginning of our recorded human history, people lived in harmony with the natural world and regarded plants as sentient, aware, intelligent, alive, and healers in their own right.

The shamans and medicine men and women were the spiritual leaders and healers who bridged the connection between plants, nature, and the spirit world.

These traditional healers believe that the beginnings of disease originate from an imbalance or disharmony in our emotional and spiritual bodies and that plants and nature are effective in healing these bodies.

For those of us who strive to regain our ancient and instinctual relationship with nature and plants, these shamanic teachings can help bring us back to this sacred balanced relationship with these medicines.

Listen for the Call of the Plants

Shamans from many traditions believe that plants and nature can speak to us—they call to us if we listen.

When we work with this medicine it is important to express our intention or the purpose of your healing journey because it is the energy of intention that guides the journey.

During your healing journey, your intention is to meet with a plant, natural medicine or spiritual ally and discover the subtle healing qualities that can heal on mind, body, and spirit levels.

A common practice among traditional healers is to reciprocate by offering the plant or nature something that it would like in exchange for its healing. We use the offering of gratitude and giving honor to the medicine.

What is Shamanistic Healing?

Shamanic plants and natural medicine are on the rise.

What is shamanism, and what is a shaman? Shamanism is an approach to life, a point of view that has to do with healing.

Shamanism is a set of healing practices stemming from the understanding of medicines of ancient indigenous people.

A shaman, then, is a practitioner of these practices.

There is a common thread of beliefs in shamanic practices around the world, based in the universal laws of nature and spirit. Here are 2 common beliefs that many shamanistic practices and systems share:

  • Everything is sacred. All people, plants, animals, objects and circumstances are sacred.
  • Disease and dysfunction have energetic origins and can be addressed through re-alignment with energy and nature.

If we can connect with nature and understand how it operates and how we operate within it, we can begin to heal from disease, dysfunction, and misalignment.

Nature is an undeniably powerful force.

Shamanistic medicine invites us to live more deeply from our hearts and our energy bodies. It guides us to follow a more healthful life and to live more mindfully and more gently on the earth. This medicine works along with modern sciences supporting a balance of wellness and happiness.