Pathway creations

Shamanic Energy Healing


We envision a world where souls are united in harmony and reverence for all of creation. It is a vision of peace, abundance, and co-creation, where each individual is empowered to go within and embrace their divine essence.

By doing the inner work for ourselves and our families we will contribute to the collective evolution of humanity's awakening consciousness.

Teachings and Retreats

At Pathway Creations, we draw upon a diverse array of spiritual teachings and practices, including shamanic wisdom, meditation, energy healing, and sacred plant ceremonies. These ancient modalities serve as potent tools for awakening the soul and aligning with the rhythms of the Earth.

Find healing and sanctuary at our 3 Day Shamanic Energy Healing & Detox Retreat

Experience an unprecedented integration of ancient wisdom, sacred ceremony, shamanic energy healing, and current wellness science that has been carefully crafted to enable a paradigm shift that empowers all those who choose this path to heal themselves and cultivate an more abundant lifestyle.

Core Values and Beliefs

Rooted in the ancient wisdom of the Earth and guided by the wisdom of our ancestors, Pathway Creations is founded upon the principles of love, authenticity, and reverence for life. We believe in the interconnectedness of all beings and the inherent divinity within each soul.

We Welcome

Pathway Creations is a sanctuary for seekers from all walks of life who are drawn to the path of spiritual awakening and conscious living. Whether you are just beginning your journey or seeking to deepen your connection to the divine, you will find a supportive community of kindred spirits here.

Shamanic Sacred Plant Ceremonies

Within the sacred circle of Pathway Creations, we gather in reverence to perform ceremonies that honor the Earth, the elements, and the cycles of life. These sacred practices deepen our connection to the divine and serve as portals of transformation and healing. Plants have consciousness, and can be used as powerful mediums to create transformation in your life.

Everything is connected

Your soul, or higher self choose this time and circumstance because it's exciting! It's a very challenging task to usher in a new age of peace... but the rewards will be felt by all those who come after.

You have a purpose! That purpose is to first to find healing for yourself, then to be the medicine to your sphere.

Evolution and Expansion

As we journey forward together, our community evolves and expands, like the branches of a great tree reaching toward the heavens. With each passing day, we grow stronger, wiser, and more deeply rooted in the fertile soil of our shared vision for a New Earth.

"Welcome Home, Beloved Seeker"

Welcome to Pathway Creations, Genesis of the New Earth Shamans, where the seeds of awakening are planted, and the fruits of transformation are ripe for the harvest.

May your journey with us be blessed with love, light, and boundless joy as we co-create a world of beauty and wonder together.

Authenticity and Integrity

Central to our community ethos is a commitment to authenticity and integrity in all that we do. We honor the sacred trust placed all members place in each-other and strive to uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct and transparency.

Belonging and Connection

Through shared rituals, storytelling, and communal gatherings, we foster a deep sense of belonging and connection among our members. Here, every voice is valued, and every soul is celebrated as an integral part of the sacred web of life. Through in-person gatherings, retreats, and online forums, we cultivate deep connections and meaningful relationships within our community. It is through these connections that we find strength, support, and inspiration to continue our journey with courage and grace.

Measuring Success

We measure the success of our community not by external metrics, but by the depth of transformation and growth experienced by each individual soul. As we witness the blossoming of consciousness and the flowering of human potential within our midst, we know that our vision is being realized.

Challenges and Growth

As we navigate the currents of change and transformation, we recognize the challenges that may arise on the path of awakening. Yet, we view these challenges as opportunities for growth, healing, and expansion of consciousness.

Inspirations and Allies

We draw inspiration from visionary leaders and communities who share our vision of a more conscious and compassionate world. Together, we stand as allies in the great work of ushering in a new era of peace, harmony, and love upon the Earth.

Conflict Resolution and Support

In times of conflict or discord, we approach resolution with compassion, empathy, and a commitment to mutual understanding. Our community serves as a safe space where individuals can seek guidance, support, and healing as they navigate the challenges of their spiritual journey.

New Earth Shamans

Serving our Community with an Unprecedented Blend of Ancient Wisdom, Sacred Shamanic Ceremony, Energy Healing, and Current Wellness Science.

Karen Rae "Shamama"

Karen Rae's journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, a reminder that within each of us lies the power to manifest our deepest desires and unlock the mysteries of our own soul. As she continues to walk her path with grace and courage, Karen inspires us all to embrace our true selves and embrace the infinite possibilities that lie within.

Raised the heartland of the Midwest, amidst the gentle rustle of fields and the whispering embrace of nature, Karen Rae's story unfurls like a delicate bloom, each petal a testament to her journey of resilience and self-discovery.

Born into a small farming community, Karen's roots run deep, intertwined with the earth and the creatures that roam its verdant expanses. As a spirited tomboy, she found solace in the great outdoors, her childhood days spent fishing, climbing, and reveling in the untamed beauty of the world around her. 

With six siblings by her side, Karen's formative years were a symphony of laughter and adventure, nurturing within her a profound love for all creatures, great and small. Yet, from an early age, Karen's spirit defied the confines of convention, a free-spirited soul dancing to the beat of her own drum. Though her path often diverged from the well-trodden roads of tradition, she embraced each twist and turn with a fierce determination, forging her own unique path through the wilderness of life.

Becoming a young wife and mother only deepened Karen's connection to her family and fueled her passion for learning. Together, they embarked on a journey of homeschooling, where Karen discovered the joy of knowledge untethered by the constraints of the classroom. In the pursuit of wisdom, she found liberation, her thirst for learning becoming a guiding light on her path to self-discovery.

For over three decades, Karen has dedicated herself to the art of healing, weaving together threads of mysticism and spirituality in a tapestry of transformative practices. From her early explorations into natural remedies to her immersion in the teachings of the Charismatic Pentecostal Church, Karen's journey has been one of constant evolution, each experience shaping her understanding of the world and her place within it.

Yet, it was the discovery of the Law of Attraction that truly set Karen's soul ablaze, igniting within her a newfound sense of purpose and possibility. With its guidance, she manifested her childhood dream of living on a horse ranch, a testament to the boundless power of belief and intention. Karen's list of accomplishments reads like a testament to her unwavering commitment to healing and growth. As a Shamanic Energy Healer, Certified Hypnotherapist, ordained minister, and practitioner of the Law of Attraction, she has dedicated her life to helping others unlock their inner potential and embrace the fullness of their being.

It was a series of spiritual visions that truly set Karen on a path of profound self-discovery. Her encounters with the spirit world, from the whispered words of a Buddhist monk to the surreal visage of a Native American elder, have illuminated her journey with newfound clarity and purpose through visions.

Embracing her identity as a Shamanic Energy Healer, Karen has embarked on a new chapter in her life, guided by the wisdom of the ancients and the whispers of the soul. With each step forward, she honors the beauty of her past and embraces the boundless possibilities of the future, a beacon of light in a world hungering for healing and transformation.

Xander Cook

A conduit for change, he stands as a beacon of hope in a world gripped by darkness, his mission extending beyond the individual soul to the very heart of Gaia herself. For Xander, the journey of transformation is both personal and universal, a testament to the power of the human spirit to transcend adversity and usher in a new era of healing and enlightenment.

From his earliest years, Xander found himself drawn to the mystical allure of Native American and Indigenous cultures, immersing himself in ceremonies and communing with nature and plant medicines.

It was his embrace of the Language of Light that marked the beginning of his extraordinary odyssey. Speaking in the tongues of the Divine, Xander surrendered to a higher calling, opening himself to the wisdom and guidance of the Great Spirit and Pachamama.

As he journeyed deeper into the realms of spirituality, Xander embraced the role of the Shadow Walker. Guided by the unseen hand of destiny, he delved fearlessly into the depths of the human psyche, confronting the shadows that lurked beneath the surface and healing first himself then guiding others in their own personal healing journey.

Yet, his path did not end there. In recent years, Xander has embraced the sacred mantle of the Heyoka Shaman, answering a call to walk the path less traveled with unwavering faith and courage.

Community Shared Experiences

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Community Shared Experiences

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Retreats FAQ

Is this a good retreat for life and childhood traumas?

Many have found our energy healing retreat a wonderful and useful resource to process and relieve emotional stresses from many different types of traumas including childhood and military-related events.

Is this a good retreat for those that have suffered loss?

Many have found our energy healing retreat a wonderful and useful resource to process and relieve emotional stresses from losses.

I have never been to a retreat like this, is this a good place to begin?

We have found that no matter your experience, you will find this educational and transformational.

Is this a good retreat for couples?

It has been the experience that both singles and guests that come as couples are extremely happy with their experience.